Adult Class

Use Wing Chun for self defense and to protect those you love.

Legend has it that Wing Chun was designed by a woman to empower the average person to defend against a bigger, stronger attacker. It can be learned in a short amount of time, and be effective for people of all sizes and ranges of physical ability.

  • Wing Chun is an effective martial art designed for your personal preservation and safety in extreme situations.
  • Our self defense techniques are your body’s natural reaction recondition for efficiency and power, executed through instantaneous reflex, and reinforced by training drills.
  • The art of Wing Chun is more than self defense, it is a complete mind and body training system

Youth Class

We believe children are the key to a better society and we help children become leaders for the future.

Our mission is to help youths improve their health and fitness by providing the best team building skills and martial arts learning experience through Wing Chun Kung Fu.

Our students learn to:

  • Problem solve through individual effort and team encouragement  and utilization of leadership skills
  • Help other students attain defensive skills that use efficient movement against personal attacks
  • Control fear and anxiety during stressful situations and respond at the appropriate level
  • Develop strength, speed, agility, improved hand-eye coordination, and flexibility

Join the best Wing Chun Class in SoCal for FREE