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Weekly Wing Chun Training Tip #2

This week’s Weekly Wing Chun Training Tip is about moving your whole body correctly.  

Most people will draw away from an attack and open themselves up for more attacks. An effective way to stop an attacker with your Wing Chun is by closing the distance between you and your attacker and be in the right position.

You may have the advantage of having your technique up and covered against the attack. But if your legs, hips, shoulders and elbows are working separately and all going in different direction, your structure will be inadequate to support your technique.  You have heard it many times, feet parallel, knees slightly in, hips forward, shoulders relaxed and elbows in.

So in your training dry run your techniques ensuring that your limbs and your hips are working as one in time and in power up to the point of impact.  A large mirror will help you check on this.  Another tool to use is a heavy bag. Swing the bag away from you, step in and use your technique to stop the bag.  If your structure is incorrect, you will pushed out of your horse. Let me know if you have any questions and ask for more detail on weekly tips in class.

Hope you enjoyed reading the Weekly Wing Chun Training Tip and have a great week.

Sifu Don

Close the gap. Counterattack with the Lan Da elbow strike. Picture circa June 2019, Zhu Hai China at Duncan Leung’s Applied Wing Chun School