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Weekly Wing Chun Training Tip #3

We have been focusing on speed the past few weeks and have had some good training classes.  Some of us find that techniques break down when the speed of attacks increase.  We tend to worry about not getting hit and focus on our hands being in the right position for the next attack. When the attacks come fast and furious, we feel that our Tan Da, Gan Da, and Pak Da, to name a few, are just not as effective.  

We either execute fast techniques without using the centerline or we try to use the centerline each time to initiate our techniques and feel like it is too slow. Besides continuing to practice what can we do to improve speed and accuracy in techniques?

Forget about your hands.  Your hands know where to go because you have solo practiced and dry run the technique several hundred times. 

Use the centerline as a reference for wrist position.  More importantly, use your shoulders to push and pull your elbows in and out along your centerline.  Try this in class and let me know how it goes for you.  Have a productive week.


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